Masterclass by Zoran Todorovic

Date: 07/10/2024
Time: 17:00 BST
Location: Online

Join Zoran Todorovic's Masterclass on how to transcend traditional coaching methods to drive profound change in yourself and your clients

Masterclass by Zoran Todorovic

Join us for a Masterclass on Unlocking Quantum Evolution: The Next Frontier in Coaching

Join Zoran Todorovic, MCC for an enlightening webinar as we delve into the cutting-edge realm of quantum evolution in coaching.

Discover how to transcend traditional coaching methods to drive profound change in yourself and your clients. Gain insights into harnessing the power of consciousness and human magnificence to unlock new personal and professional growth levels.

Whether you’re an experienced coach or just beginning your coaching journey, this webinar will provide practical techniques and profound insights to elevate your practice.

Attend live and earn one CCEU (Continuing Coach Education Unit), the ICF’s requirement for credential renewal.

Registration fee: £25 (plus Eventbrite fee)

Your presence matters

By attending our event, you will help us generate essential funds to support female entrepreneurs living in extreme poverty in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The ticket price of £25 will help a woman start a business fostering financial independence and resilience. 

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