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This footage was recorded by the MicroLoan team on 20th January 2022 as the rainy...
It is with great pleasure that we launch The Kuyamika Reward and Recognition Program in...
“Even before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, hunger was growing at an explosive rate...
A resounding success Thanks to this phenomenal fundraising total, 830 women will get access to...
Prisca Kamboni, Loan & Training Officer Prisca is a Loan & Training Officer in MicroLoan's...
The impact of the WLA Coachathon fundraising event Mrs Alifosina Mkonde is the proud mother...
The UN FAO has estimated that if women were given the same access to resources...
This World Food Day, our #DigInWomen campaign aims to raise awareness, and raise money to...
Annie's entrepreneurial journey is inspiring. Now on her tenth loan cycle, she and her family...
The latest news on the pandemic in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, as of the 23rd...
The majority of women MicroLoan supports are farmers in rural regions of Zambia, Zimbabwe and...