Annie’s Story

Before joining MicroLoan Foundation in 2017, Annie’s life was a constant challenge. She and her husband had difficulty paying school fees, often resulting in their children missing out on education. Although Annie managed to grow maize to feed her family, the family’s combined income was barely enough to buy other food. Feeding their household of seven was an ongoing struggle.

Today, Annie runs not one, but two businesses. In addition to growing and selling beans and maize, Annie also provides bespoke carpentry services to her local community, with support from one of her sons and her grandson.

Annie’s profits have doubled since joining MicroLoan Foundation, which has had a dramatic impact on her life. Now she can afford the required fees, her youngest three children can now all attend school, and Annie can meet her family’s basic needs, buying food and clothes without the constant worry of running out of money.

One of the most significant changes in Annie’s life is her ability to save and invest. Through her hard work and determination, she has saved enough to purchase a car. She’s even in the process of building a new home for her mother, who is currently hospitalised in Lilongwe.

Annie’s success extends beyond her immediate family. She has become a role model in her community, not only for her business acumen, but also for her willingness to help others achieve their goals. At MicroLoan Foundation meetings, she is often surrounded by friends who come to assist her with her maize harvest. 

As the Chair of her group, Annie’s leadership is pivotal, ensuring that all members are doing well and that no one is left behind. Her group meets regularly, to provide mutual support and encouragement, even without the presence of their Loan Training Officer. This sense of community and solidarity is a cornerstone of MicroLoan Foundation’s impact.

Annie is profoundly grateful to MicroLoan Foundation for the support that has enabled her and other women in her community to thrive. She firmly believes that success is more achievable when both partners in a household are working towards their goals.

Annie’s remarkable journey from struggle to success is why MicroLoan Foundation exists. By providing women with the financial tools, training and support they need, MicroLoan Foundation not only helps women transform their own lives, but also uplifts entire communities. Annie’s thriving businesses, her ability to provide for her family, and her role as a community leader demonstrate the positive change that can happen when women are empowered.

Published on: 06/08/2024

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