Annie K’s Story

Annie K’s journey with MicroLoan Foundation began in 2010, during a time when her family faced significant hardships. A mother of five and a guardian to two orphans, Annie found herself in a situation where she had to sell her house to afford basic necessities like food and school fees for her children. Despite members of Annie’s community laughing at her not being able to keep her home, she gave us her house to prioritise her children’s education.

Determined to rebuild her life, Annie took out her first loan with MicroLoan Foundation. With this financial support, she and her husband began to invest in farming, hoping to regain stability and eventually purchase a plot of land on which to build another home. 

Today, Annie and her husband successfully farm maize, soya, groundnuts, and various vegetables. Annie also rears chickens and runs a vegetable and grocery stall in front of their home. She has also recently invested in a machine to produce ice lollies, which she sells wholesale to other businesses.

Annie and her husband run the business together and plan their spending, but it is Annie who is responsible for budgeting and the finances.

Reflecting on her journey, Annie is very grateful for the role MicroLoan Foundation has played in her success: “One of the things that has brought me where I am today are the loans from MicroLoan Foundation. I appreciate that MicroLoan Foundation helped me when I didn’t have anything. I have a good home, my children and grandchildren are in school, and the help from MicroLoan Foundation was very important.”

Annie has transformed her initial challenges into thriving business ventures that support her entire family. She now lives in a nice home with electricity, a television, and several appliances, including the machine that makes the ice lollies. Her children and grandchildren are in school, and her home, which houses 12 family members, is filled with life and laughter.

Annie’s story powerfully demonstrates the impact of MicroLoan Foundation’s work, and how access to financial services can empower individuals to overcome adversity, achieve stability, and create a better future for their families.

Published on: 03/09/2024

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