There are many ways you can get involved and raise vital funds. Your fundraising will provide life changing loans and business training to help women facing extreme poverty to build a better future for their families. Take a look through our Fundraising Pack for top tips from our fundraising team.

Organise your own fundraiser

Bake Sale
Dinner Party
Quiz Night

Can I use the MicroLoan logo in my marketing materials?

Yes, but please get our permission first by emailing We’ll be happy to send a high resolution version of our logo over email, and some other visual material you may need.

How do I set up a fundraising page?

Our preferred fundraising platform is called Enthuse. You can easily create a fundraising page on Enthuse and start your fundraising right away!

How do I transfer my fundraising total to MicroLoan Foundation?

If you haven’t used an online fundraising page, for example, if you’ve organised an in person event such as a bake sale or dinner party, you can collect the donations and send it to us in multiple ways.

Can I tag MicroLoan Foundation on social media?

Yes, in fact, we’d love it if you did! Tagging us on social media will help to spread the word about the vital work we do.

Your fundraising will transform lives

I felt proud to run for the women in MicroLoan's network who show much more endurance on a daily basis than it takes to run a marathon. It was the most magical, unforgettable day. The crowds, the atmosphere, and the rush of emotions at the finish line. Granted, you might sacrifice a few toenails - worth every one.

Maria Campanini, London Marathon Runner 2021

Take on a Challenge

Click here to view our challenge events